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Kinori Tech
喜(ki) – rejoice, take pleasure in
範(nori) – pattern, example, model
We are passionate about model driven engineering (MDE); Kinori Tech is the child of this passion. MDE its part of the majority of our software development endeavors and the main focus of our business.
We (Horacio and Betty) both got our PhD in Software Engineering in MDE areas; Horacio in the execution of declarative transformation languages and Betty in reactive execution of modelling tasks. Kinori Tech was founded with the purpose of helping others adopt MDE as part of their software development process and to help develop MDE tools for the community. We are both native Spanish speakers (Colombia and Mexico) and are aware of the gap between English and other languages when it comes to internet content. This blog is also a small effort towards closing that gap.
We are geeky, and as a result we (mostly Horacio) get involved in a lot of side projects. Form automating our house to building games to spend time with our families. We also believe in open source and like to contribute to existing tools and frameworks, and build our own. In all these work there are lessons to learn and knowledge to share. We want this blog to be the mechanism through which we can share our success and failure stories and to, hopefully, make you passionate about MDE too.
What is this blog about
This blog is about software development. We write tools and frameworks, user applications, websites, scripts, etc., in Java, Python and JavaScript/TypeScript… with a twist. Whenever possible we will use MDE tools and techniques to get the job done. You will find posts with small tutorials or demos and posts that show how to configure/use a tool/framework (including our own).
Additionally, we will also write posts about more “philosophical” aspects of MDE; for example considerations when creating metamodels, choosing tools for MDE tool chains, and using MDE beyond Java (the language with some of the most mature MDE tools and frameworks).
Who are we trying to reach
We hope that our posts are interesting for seasoned developers as well as for people just starting their software journey. Perhaps you can consider us MDE “evangelists”; we believe in MDE and are convinced that using it we can produce higher quality software with less effort and in less time.
Talk to us!
We welcome comments to our post with opinions and questions. With that said, we also reserve the right to remove any posts that are not relevant to the posts or the site. You can also use our main site contact form or email us if you wish to discuss topics further or want to contact us for any other matter.
We want to serve the MDE community, inspire others to join the bandwagon and answer questions about different aspects of software development. We would like to reach 100 people in our mailing list! 100 passionate software developers with an interest in MDE.